Tricie Graham was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan and now resides in Chicago, IL. She grew up in a Pentecostal church on the west side of Detroit as the daughter of an Assistant Pastor, who later became a Pastor. As a dreamer and a seer, Tricie came to be acquainted with the prophetic at a very young age. Tricie is the CEO and Founder of Like A Tree See Productions. She is an author with two published books and the creator of The Remnant Group, a Social Media Ministry page.
Tricie works alongside her husband, Elliot Graham in evangelism and outreach at Good Seed Good Ground Ministries, which he established in 2016. Tricie is a Prophetess, teacher, dream interpreter, and intercessor trained in spiritual warfare. She believes in the supernatural God of the Bible and has experienced miraculous encounters with God. Tricie is passionate about helping others achieve intimacy with God through a relationship with his son Jesus Christ. Tricie is mother to three beautiful daughters. She is a homemaker and homeschooler to her two young daughters, which she cares for full-time. She is a free-lance writer and professionally trained in the medical field. She received a diploma in medical assisting and is a skilled phlebotomist and has additional training in Emergency Room assistance and Plasmapheresis Donation. In her spare time, Tricie enjoys cooking, baking, road tripping and time with family and friends.
Her writing journey...
Tricie's love for writing began in high school as she wrote poetry and often journaled her thoughts and ideas. She loves writing stories that are relatable and grab her readers attention. What inspired her to become an author, was one day she heard God say, "Write!" The rest is history...
RPR: Tricie, how many books have you written/published, what are the titles and Genre?
TG: I have currently written two books, the first one is entitled A Higher Place Of Worship. It is a Christian Inspirational and Prophetic book. My second book is entitled Posture: Take Your Kingdom Stance which is a Christian devotional.

RPR: This is awesome, where did the inspiration to write come from?
TG: A Higher Place of Worship was written during the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 after I was diagnosed and consequently healed of the virus. It is about having a closer relationship with God and worship on a whole different level. It discusses topics such as hearing the voice of God, how to fast and finding your identity and calling in Christ. It was released in December 2020. My second book Posture: Take Your Kingdom Stance was written this year in 2021 and released in June of 2021. It discusses the relevance of learning how to be positioned in God. There are three main reasons we must know our position.
1. We are positioned for victory
2. We need to learn to fight
3. God can’t give us everything we want at once

RPR: Wow, these were both recently published and during the pandemic, amazing! Was it hard writing your book(s) and what did you do to overcome writer's block?
TG: I didn’t find it hard writing my books. I just found it a bit challenging to find the time to write each day. It was tempting to push back the release date of my second book. I was also responsible during this time for the education of my two little girls at home. I did manage to finish both books on time between handling everyday responsibilities.

Photo Credit: Mille Sanders- Unsplash
RPR: That's amazing, I'm sure it was a lot and trying to find the time while managing family, ministry, and work, and to top it all off, COVID hit, the beauty of it all, you kept going, had faith and trusted in the power of God. You were able to publish not one, but two books. That's a blessing! How are your books relatable and life-changing?
TG: Yes, a true blessing... Both books will definitely give readers a new perspective on the Bible and understanding its meaning. I use everyday situations and personal experiences to give relevant examples of what the scriptures mean. They show how to go from living a life of failure and defeat to triumph through Jesus Christ.
RPR: Real experiences are the best teachers and there's nothing we can do without, God! So, what’s next, for Author Tricie Graham?

TG: So true! I have so many ideas to write. I will definitely keep writing. I would love to have my books sold in stores and available in public libraries. I am currently in the process of helping others to birth their books under my publishing company, Like A TreeSee Productions

Photo Credit: Chuttersnap- Unsplash
RPR: Oh wow, a publishing company? Please share more, what services do you offer and what benefits(s) will an author receive by being published with Like a TreeSee Productions?
TG: My publishing company, Like a TreeSee Productions, offers services such as:
-manuscript development
-book covers
-help with self publishing
The benefits that my clients will receive from me are:
-a great finished product
-support throughout the writing process and book release
RPR: I Love it, aspiring authors, contact TreeSee Productions, for support and help with self publishing.
P: 708-858-8192
RPR: Please share a “Fun Fact” (about yourself or your journey as an author)
TG: It was prophesied that I would write books the day that I buried my only son who was 14 on January 4, 2017. The prophecy came to pass 3 years later.

Photo Credit: Jarl Schmidt- Unsplash
RPR: Wow! My condolences...
TG: Thank you.
RPR: As we wrap this up, any encouraging words for an aspiring author?
TG: Yes.
Write a little every day.
Never give up your dream of writing a book. Use one idea for each chapter.
Use your life experience to tell your story and help someone else.
"I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord."
Tricie Graham
RPR: Tricie, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful journey with my Rare PR Fam. It has truly been my pleasure and a blessing.
TG: Same here, thank you so much!
Tricie Graham's books can be found on Amazon, please click on the links below.

Follow Author Tricie Graham
IG: tricie.graham
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